And yes, conservation
Conservation goes hand in hand with stewardship. While conservation of sharks, turtles and monk seals doesn’t directly impact fishing stock, it does impact the health of the reef which is intimately entwined with fish stock. It is quite clear that barbless circle hooks do far less damage to mistakenly hooked marine life as well as with fish –
- It makes it much easier for fishermen to unhook the animal themselves
- They dramatically lower rates of destructive gut-hooking, leading to far lower mortality rates for endangered species like the Hawaiian Monk Seal and sea turtles
- Marine life has a far greater chance of shedding the hook unassisted – for turtles, sharks, seals and more
I hope you found this as interesting as I did when researching it. If your interest is at least piqued, won’t you join me in raising awareness of these fish hook impacts? Tell your friends, start a discussion with fishermen, show them your support for barbless circle hooks! Use some of the links below too.
To help raise awareness we are offering Barbless Circle Hook Bracelets for men and women in the shop, with between 10-20% of profits donated to conservation organisations. They make wonderful gifts to both people who fish as well as any ocean-loving person! Feel free to comment or join the conversation below, on Instagram or on Facebook (see links up to the right and below)
Mahalo for your help!
“I’m gonna keep using barbless hooks no matter what. With the number of times I put a hook in one part of me or other in a year it’s not so much a fish welfare issue, it’s a ME welfare issue” – Bill Sawynok
Additional information:
As a lay person, I have no first hand experience about fishing. But i found these convincing, so if you are interested, here are some articles discussing barbless circle hooks:
Do Barb-less Hooks Work?